Thursday, December 9, 2010

Seeking Him

His glory:
confess all known sins, put away all doubtful things and forgive everyone, obey the Holy Spirits promptings, publicly confess Christ is your savior

God wants 2 things submission and obedience

Humility-pride is opposite of humility--recognizing oneself as a sinner before the holy God. an awareness of God's holiness drives us to acknowledge our sin and receive God's forgiveness

Honesty-Whoever conceals his trangressions will not prosper but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy

Repentence-God faithfully gives us opportunity to repent we must be honest and open about our sin silence only condemns by keeping us guilty repentence is not an option it is a requirement must see a change in behavior

Grace-before sin becomes an act it is a thought-- need to call out to God for help
we are utterly dependent on His grace to live a Christian life

Holiness-having a heart like His. Set apart. He commands us to be holy, he will not command us to do something he will not enable us to do

Obedience-primary concern is us being right with Him, it is a positive active response to listening to the word of God, it is foundational to the Christian life, actions speak louder than words, partial obedience is disobedience each act of disobedience is a step away from God

clear conscience-a right relationship with God affects our relationships with others it is words, actions and attitudes 1. make a list Gods forgiveness 3. seek forgiveness from others that I have wronged, 4. choose words carefully 5. make restitution where necessary 6. reconcile the relationship 7. face hardest situations first 8. dont stop til finished 9. maintain a clear conscious
Match the scope of my confession to the scope of the offense

Forgiveness-the forgiven must be forgiving it is not forgetting but releasing the debtor

Sexual purity- dont allow any compromise giving in to one small issue weakens your resistance

spirit filled life-I am responsibe for the way i have choosen to respond to those hurts

Have a personal devotional life, seek Him

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